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Cataract Surgery

What Are Cataracts

Cataracts are a very common eye condition, particularly among senior citizens, they can adversely affect a patient’s ability to see. Our specialist help patients decide the best treatment to the point of their need. We at KMC are highly trained in performing cataract surgery and often steer mild cases to less invasive treatment options.

A cataract is a cloudy area in the lens of your eye. At first, you may not notice that you have a cataract but over time, cataracts can make your vision blurry, hazy, or less colorful. You may have trouble reading or doing other everyday activities.

You can get cataracts in one eye or both eyes — but they can’t spread from one eye to the other. You might not have any symptoms at first, when cataracts are mild. But as cataracts grow, they can cause changes in your vision. For example, you may notice that:

  • Your vision is cloudy or blurry
  • Colors look faded
  • You can’t see well at night
  • Lamps, sunlight, or headlights seem too bright
  • You see a halo around lights
  • You see double (this sometimes goes away as the cataract gets bigger)
  • You have to change the prescription for your glasses often

These symptoms can be a sign of other eye problems, too. Be sure to talk to your eye doctor if you have any of these problems.

Over a period of time, cataracts can lead to vision loss.

A Cataract Surgery is the only way to eradicate the cataract from the eye. During surgery, the doctor will remove the cloudy lens from your eye and replace it with an artificial lens (called an intraocular lens). It remains a permanent part of your eye.

For some people, other eye problems prohibit the use of an artificial lens. In these situations, once the cataract is removed, vision may be corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Cataract surgery is generally done on an outpatient basis, which means you won’t need to stay in a hospital after the surgery. During cataract surgery, your eye doctor uses local anesthetic to numb the area around your eye, but you usually stay awake during the procedure.

Cataract surgery is generally safe, but it carries a risk of infection and bleeding. Cataract surgery increases the risk of retinal detachment.

After the procedure, you’ll have some discomfort for a few days. Healing generally occurs within eight weeks.

If you need cataract surgery in both eyes, your doctor will schedule surgery to remove the cataract in the second eye after you’ve healed from the first surgery.


At KMC Eye Hospital, we provide cataract lens replacement surgery. Several types of intraocular lens (IOL) implants are available to help you enjoy improved vision. Before your cataract surgery, your eyes are measured to determine your IOL prescription. We will then decide and recommend which IOL type is best for you. We believe in providing our clients with the best.


This is the newest generation of multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) – the Trifocal. These revolutionary new IOLs give cataract patients a better chance at clear vision at all distances. The Trifocal IOLs implants offer clear intermediate as well as distance and near vision with minimal glare and halos at night unlike the older generation of multifocal IOLs that resulted in glare and halos especially with night driving,


The Trifocal IOLs provide excellent visual performance, outstanding intermediate visual acuity and high resolution under all light conditions.


This kind of lenses help you experience clear vision at near and far distances, you can see at varying distances using different points of focus. The goal of a multifocal IOL is to provide functional vision at different distances to minimize the use of glasses. While undergoing cataract surgery, opting for multifocal lenses can help reduce dependency on glasses.


Most patients report a very satisfactory vision in short or intermediate distances, although a small number of patients may eventually require reading glasses.


 These are a kind of mono focal lenses, adjusted to facilitate distance vision and are suitable for patients who, apart from myopia or hyper metropia, also suffer from astigmatism (more than 1.5 degrees). A functional vision is an important consideration for our patients with astigmatism. When it comes to object detection and identification, a fraction of a second can make all the difference.


With these lenses, you can drive at night with ease. Patients will need to use reading glasses for near work


These lenses provide good distance vision and most patients are not dependent on their distance glasses for daily activities. However, patients implanted with monofocal IOLs typically require reading glasses after cataract surgery.